Crystal Duel. Newly updated!

It's like Dark Souls and Yu-Go-Oh crossed each other and said let's play cards!

Browser based offline CCG - Works on touchscreens too!

Welcome to the Duel Staaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaage!

There's no tougher competition out there. Challenger, are you ready to Rule the Duel!? The competition is fired up and there are new card abilities to utilise! Make every move count against your opponent. Without strategy you'll be wiped right back in to the lobby! 

I've been hard at work over the last 8-9 days implementing some new updates. Here's a breakdown of all the new and awesome content! This game can still be played through the web-browser and a downloable version is coming soon!

New content: Abilities.

Some of the current battle cards and newly added cards come with passive or active abilites for the player to use. 

Elemei is a new healer / battle card. When Elemei attacks she will recover the players Crystal by 100 points and there is a small chance she will recover an additional 150 points. Elemei can also recover the Crystal once placed on the bench by 150 points also.

The Battlecards with symbols in top right hand corner have abilities, I thought this would be an ideal way for the player to know which card has an ability. The game-play is highly improved due to the chance effects and the duels more competitive!

 HP-Patrol - Super Support!

HP-Patrol is placed on the bench. On the first turn it is chargin. HP Patrol doesn't attack, it's like a Totem that you may find in CCG Games. It can only be used once and on the second turn you may click the Mining button to recover 500HP! HP Patrol will then leave the game. Please bare in mind upon using Mining ability it will cost 1 Action Point. This charge ability will really help you out against the tougher ranks to prepare for some hazards that may come your way.

Aura - A new card with zero cost! When attacking or when placed on to the bench she may recover 100HP back to the crystal. Aura is best used against the Crystal. Attack+ can be used at anytime and can be used twice. Attack plus will deal 100 damage to the opponents Crystal at a cost of 50HP from your Crystal.

Gifox - Updated

Gifox upon attacking will recover 50HP back to the crystal! When Gifox attacks it will also Recover 100HP with a chance to recover 50 more HP! Upon entering the game Gifox may recover the Crystal by 50HP also!

Firuzane -Added ability.

Firuzane now has a chance ability when attacking or adding to your hand. Firuzane may add +1 ability Point.  

Stone Dragon - Added effect.

Stone Dragon is one tough son of a gun! When attacking it will cause an earthquake! By chance a Battle Card will be added in to your hand! This is quite a neat effect which clearly suits this huge monster!

Elva- Abilities and Potions: Elvas Potion ability will recover 200HP and can be used after Elva has taken a turn, and at any time during the opponents turn! The Potion may only be used once. When Elva is attacking she will also recover 200HP back to the Crystal!  (Making a Deck of just Elva cards will surely not work out, but give it a try!)

No more first turns. Sowwy!

On start of each game there is a 50% chance the opponent will play their turn first. This makes the game so much more challenging and being attacked first will surely put you in defence mode! It's the coolest improvement of the code so far as I am learning much about C+ to write in the new game-play features and enhancements.

You got mail!

See the mail icons? Well, give them a click! Xenny will guide you during play and explain and help during play,

There you have it! I'm really passionate about pushing the game as much as I can. I really hope you will give it a try and enjoy playing often. Please leave any comments or messages of support.

Now get to the duel!

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May 31, 2024

Get Crystal Duel -CCG- Free Download. Updated. 24/11/2024

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