Journey Galaxis+2 Edition Released.
After a further 2 and a half months of much needed work the update is here and includes many great improvements to the overall game. There are still quality updates which will take place in the future. Please give the game a try and I really hope you will enjoy it!
Journey Galaxis +2 Edition update list.
Credits: TheoAllen for the incredible side view battle system of which much of the changes with battling have been altered using the powerful system which was made available for RPG Maker ACE.
A note to returning players:
Journey Galaxis+2 is not quite the same game and the updates made are hugely noticable due to a significant upgrade which has taken 3 more months of additional work! I was unable to complete all the work, however what has been updated anbd changed so far should really help Journey Galaxis feel like a much more enjoyable game. I want to thank everyone who played +1 and beyond and would also like to say how sorry i am that I was not in a great state to bring the game where it is today.
I've had great difficulties in R/L and so my work can be staggered due to the difficulties I face. You'll find after reading below that I needed to come back to the project to give it a new lease of life and so please show some support to give hope for the future of the project.
I still have a dream to make it as a game developer and hope I could one day recreate Journey Galaxis on to a new platform and so any help, support comments and reviews will give an incredible push that I am doing something right and that there is some hope in the project.
Journey Galaxis+2 features new story elements, path changes and additional stories, new content and overall improvements to each and every map in the game as well as new challenges and advances in game-play.
My heartfelt thanks for keeping the flame going and if you face any problems at all then I am here for your feedback and to support as much as I can.
Thank you +infinity!
Updates and bug fixes. Dated from 13th December up to release date.
+After fishing, the main charactors portrait won't be blank until changing scene.
Display HUD
+New graphics for upgrading and crafting.
New features, Improvements, Bug fixes.
Bug fixes:
Counter attack is now working.
Countering is now working and has been applied to enemies and skills in the game.
A dozen Parrallel processes have been stopped on each game map where performance could be reduced the most due to the size of the map in aims to try and improve performance. This shouldn't affect the game as they have been reconfigured in to other processes or some processes may have been unworthy of keeping.
New: Tiredness.
To add further reaslism and management, the party members will become tired from not having a proper rest after 2 in game days. All the travelling you will do will ware them out and so going without gainful rest by exploring for more than a few days in game without will then put a lot of preassure on the party members. Thier stats will begin to decrease, they will lose health and mana, and this will become much worse each day when tiredness sets in. Please visit an Inn to get a gainful rest and recover from tiredness. Most Inns offer additional perks when resting there so you'll gain a very happy team and a good cooked meal to take away.
Note: Tiredness can't be lifted in any way except for when visiting the Inn's.
Random item chest:
+Features many of the new consumable items and will reward them with a random probability. The quantity of items is also randomised so that more of a single item could be obtained except for a special shop item called Goldenite! *Sells for 2000 Gold*
+Two types of items will be awarded from the Random Item Chest also!
+Special stat items are also awarded in higher quantities to help the characters stats grow better.
New Skill Icons:
There are unique skill icons added which have been used to replace the default skill icons when selecting skills during battle.
Smoother graphics
There are now Paralax layers which are used to enhance and smooth the graphics and also shadows and clouds. This was a huge undertaking as I had to go through each map and make a Paralax map and usePhotoshop for each one and carefully aim to make sure the experience of these layers wouldn't cause major issues or discomfort during play. There are a great number of maps in Journey gGalaxis and all of them are hand made. In some cases it would take between 5-50 minutes to edit, alter and quality test each map with the new Paralax graphics.
Improved Trade Skill activities.
Mining, Cooking and Fishing have had significant original improvements.
I hope you will enjoy the activities even more than before!
New: Pick Axe animations when mining. *Hand made and super sweet!*
New: Cooking: Become great at cooking and serve your meals in a creative new way!
Animations will show when there are some state changes such as Poison and Stun during battle.
Auto-Recover a little after battle:
All party members will recieve a HP and MP recovery bonus after leaving.
Many of the monsters now drop a variety of new items which can be used and sold.
Drop rates of items have been increased so more items can be found when battling.
+Visit Ability Acadamies to earn Scrolls of Learning, Spending time studying will unlock Scrolls of Learning, then you can speak to one of your party menbers and go through the options of upgrading abilities of the party member.
Craft Books: All craft books *Individually adjusted >.<* have been ported to the new notification system for faster pick up.
Camp Fire Cooking recipies:
Adjustments to names when cooking.
+Stream Fish is now known as, Cook: Grilled: Stream Fish
+Sea Fish has been removed.
+Meat is now knows as, Cook: Grilled: Meat
Other recipies have been renamed to Extra.
Clear Text
The text is no longer blurry and the font has also been changed. Much of the system text has been altered aswell to try and prevent any words which may look strange when using RPG Makers Resize text function for larget text (Unsure why I added words with Large sized text before...) The text is sharper and much better to look at when not in a stretched resolution. (Text looks perfect in the Window mode setting *second option.)
+All text from Mining activity has been reduced to standard size as the G would not look propper using the new font fix (Took a good hour to edit all those text prompts)
+Text is sharper and no longer blurred as before. (Huge result!)^_^
+Many of the notifications and dialogue text for many of the NPC's have been ported to a new mnotification system for faster and more comfortable game-play.
New Maps
New introduction area.
Begin the games story in a new area which builds up to the main introduction scene.
The area is a great way to begin the game and learn the mechanics. The tutorial area is still available for those who would like more help after the main introduction scene.
Naiyoko Island: Player Home.
The player can now visit their home and there is now an outside area. In this area NPC's will visit and there is a fishing spot at the top of the map.
#Elsee will put special items out for the player to pick up each day.
#The player is able to cook in the kitchen and the ingredients NPC may visit the players home (Outside) to sell ingredients to cook with.
Mining challenge maps.
There are new mining cavern locations which can be found by exploring the world maps. The mines are a new way to open up more challenge while levelling up the tradeskill and the monsters found inside are more difficult and there are traps. Main Menu is also disabled in the mines. There is no game over after losing a battle and so it's not as brutal as it sounds!
By visiting and entering deep into the mines you won't need to backtrack once you go in too deep. There are escape exits which I have added to make these caverns less of a chore when going in and wanting to exit out without going all the way back to the exit.
On Naiyoko Island and once you get to a certain part of the story, Naigo will wait outside the mine so that you can explore them with some help to take on the difficult monsters while exploring.
New: Signiture Attacks
Each character has their own Attack specialty when using a normal weapon. (More on that below) These are standard attacks but offer a little more for each character.
Player: Attack with a chance to Stun.
Sonnoko: When using Attack will hit all enemies.
New: 2 New Charactors have been added and can join the party through special quests.
New: Equip Attacks.
In the previous updates I gave many of the equippable items Equip Skills which the player can then use in addition to their own abilities. In +2 edition some equipment will affect the main Attack. For example, a weapons Attack could attack all targets, or cause a status effect on targets. Many of the weapons have been altered to offer a special attack of their own which is used by selecting the option Attack in battle rather than using a skill.
New: Counter system.
Each character has their own counter ability with their own special effects.
Main Player: Counter and chance to Stun.
Sonnokko: Counter and Reduce Defence for 2 turns.
Clara Counter: Recover HP, MP +5%.
New:Disabled equipment effects.
Some enemies now have the ability to unequip your equipment. This might not be a problem unless you don't have access to the Main Menu. Some challenging areas will disable the menu entirely, however you will still be able to access certain elements of the menu.
Inventory: Pre Q on Keyboard
Skills menu: Press W on Keyboard
The equipment menu has no shortcut as I decided to do this for the most intense challenge when in areas where the main menu is disabled.
New: Stances.
When any of the characters use the Stance abilities they will have special skills they can utilize during the most toughest battle situations! The Stances last a number of turns and will carry forward in to the next battle if it is still active after the last battle ended. Stances offer a new strategy against more stronger enemies or when there are party changes you are not used to.
You will notice when a team member is in Stance form as their battle graphic will glow so that you also know when the effect is active. Stance abilities require a lot more TP to use them and so these abilities are rare to use without using items which are even more rare to obtain.
These are super skills that can turn things around when you're having to use the Stance ability to defend and recover quite often in one battle which was the main features of the Stance abilities in Journey Galaxis+1 and previous versions.
#Main Player:
When using Hunters Stance the player will have additional stat increases and higher evasion. There are also additional skills that can be used during Hunters Stance.
Hunters Rage: A fiercly powerfull AOE attack with an 80% chance to Stun if it doesn't slay it's targets.
Survival Technique: Fully Recover HP, Guard, Increase Physical Resistance 60% and Increase Counterattack by 70%.
When using Shield Stance, Sonnoko's defence and counter ability is heightened. There are also additional special abilities which can be used while in Shield Stance.
Wall of Light: Self. Survival Technique: Fully Recover HP, Guard, Increase Physical Resistance 60% and Increase Counterattack by 70%.
Wall of Light II: All Party M<embers. Survival Technique: Fully Recover HP, Guard, Increase Physical Resistance 60% and Increase Counterattack by 70%.
When Clara uses Mage stance her turns are doubled!
New: Element weaknesses and strengths.
I've spent time adding in elemental weakness and strength effects in to skills so that there are options to increase damage especially to enemies with high HP. This offers a great chance to use strategies to weaken the target and then use the weakness against them using the right skills.
New: Enemy Counter attacks.
Many of the monsters and enemies have been given their own special counter attacks each. Many of the animations were created using RPG Makers animation system for these attacks also.
New: Status effects.
Curse: Reduces the attack power by a great amount and reduces HP over time.
A curse can be lifted by using the new item called Talisman.
Upgrading equipment.
Upgrade Gems can be purchased from Merchants and the are new NPC's added in to the game who will upgrade equipment that you have. Only certain equipment can be upgraded and there is a chance per upgrade for it to fail. The upgrade stones are set to a fair price also.
Upgrading Skills.
+Certain Skills can now be upgraded. Upgrades will reduce the cost and increase the chances of status effects. There may be additional targets added or other elements to the skill improving.
Notification system: Improving the game experience for fluid game-play.
All item notifications for mining have been ported (1 by 1 t,t) to the new update system so that mining is quicker and no further need to press X each time mining succeeds or fails.
Trade Skill Activities.
Mining: Additional Activity, actions sprite animations and more.
+The Girl and Boy each have a mining animation that will show when mining.
+A Pick Axe has been added to the game. When Mining the Pick Axe durability will be reduced. Once durability reaches 0 it will need to be repaired.
+ Viewing the item in Key Items will show how much durability is left, or a prompt will show when Mining once the Pick Axe needs repairing.
+At certain levels the Durability cost will be reduced so Mining can be done more without needing to repair the Pick Axe as often.
+At certain levels the Durability cost will be reduced so Mining can be done more without needing to repair the Pick Axe as often.
+Durability Stone Added to the game. This item is used to repair the Pick Axe.
Durability Stone can be purchased from some stores.
+You may turn off Mining stat notifications on or off by visiting a Notice Board.
+When mining it is possible to mine the same area more than once by chance.
+New mining adventure mode added. Stroll through a side view adventure map, defeat monsters, mine for gems and find treasure chests.
Fishing: More chances to catch fish and NPC interactions.
Many item notifications for Fishing have been ported (1 by 1 t,t) to the new update system so that Fishing is quicker and no further need to press X each time mining succeeds or fails.
+The random chance game now offers different types of fish as rewards too!
+A Fishing Rod key item has been added to the game. When Fishing the Fishing Rod durability will be reduced. Once durability reaches 0 it will need to be repaired.
+Viewing the item in Key Items will show how much durability is left, or a prompt will show when Fishing once the Fishing Rod needs repairing.
+At certain levels the Durability cost will be reduced so Fishing can be done more without needing to repair the Fishing Rod as often.
+Fishing Rod Repair Kit has been Added to the game. This item is used to repair the Fishing Rod and can be purchased from some stores.
+When fishing near other NPC's who are fishing they will say something to make the activity feel less boring. When a few NPC's are near by it can add as a nice feature.
New Activity and Mini Game: Cooking.
I have made cooking in to it's own seperate activity to add a new layer to Journey Galaxis for +2 edition.
+With each cooking attempt exp is awarded and at higher levels the chance of failing to cook will become smaller.
+Cooking activities can be found in many different indoor areas.
+Rent a kitchen space while travelling and sell your food to hungry people near by to make some extra money.
+Medic Houses have been altered and given kitchen spaces which can be rented. Food which is made can then be sold to NPC's when they are hungry. NPC's will become full and take a break from eating before being hungry again at which point you can stuff them with more yummy food!
Camping. Time based resting and recovering when travelling.
A tent is used to camp at any location and you may camp for a certain amount of hours to rest and recover HP and MP. There are new tents and upgraded versions of tents which can offer bonuses. A better tent will offer quicker and better recovery for shorter periods of time or time rested.
Crafting. New item added.
Potion of Mind (Recovers MP) is now a craftable item. (Sorry this was not done before) The crafting system is my own and I spent some time adding in this option while going through all the eventing and processing. Phew.
+When Crafting Vita Potion or Potion of Mind there is an 80% chance the potion will result in a stronger version of the potion!
Story Adjustments.
Dialogue in Chapter intro and Chapter 1 has been adjusted. New dialogue lines added and many improvements and enhancements to the story and additional lines.
+Chapter 2 dialogue adjustments and improvements.
Added options which the player can select during conversations for more control over some conversations.
+Chater 3 has had much of the dialogue edited for an improved understanding of the story. New dialogue lines and options have also been added in.
+Chapter 4. Much of the dialogue adjusted and improved and other much needed adjustments.
+Chapter 5. Many dialogue adjustments. Skills updated and random battles added to many of the adventure maps.
Side paths.
Some key moments in the story can be changed and alter the games overall path and who stays and who leaves the party either temporary or permanently.
New additional side quests:
Additional side quests can be found which can unlock new areas to explore which could also unlock new charactors to join the party.
Bounty Hunters and bosses:
They will appear in certain areas and battle. The game is over or an event may also be triggered on losses. The additional boss battles added in to the storyline.
The ship has been overhauled with a brand new tileset and the ships story has also been edited and improved compared to the previous versions.
Many dialogue adjustments and improvements to grammar in story scenes in Sonnoko Village.
Valeon Dessert.
New extended story and side quest.
Random Encounters
Secret ability
Character Adjustments.
All character abilities and skills have brand new descriptions and abilities renamed and skills edited to offer more variety and better wider use of all the abilities.
Music Adjustments.
A major change to music in many areas of Naiyoko Island, the old music was quite relaxed and I have added more upbeat and dramatic music.
+Battle music
New battle music has been added.
World Map
+World Map music has been changed.
+Naiyoko Forest
+Naiyoko Upper Forest.
+Sound effects have been improved so they are more fitting, not so loud or overbearing.
+The music cycle has also been reworked so the music will change as often as possible between battles.
+Keit Battle Sprite has been added.
+Icons added to Battle Skill list.
+ New equip skills have been added to equipment and new equipment to use in battle.
+Some graphics adjusted for boss battles.
+Targets names are now shown at the top of the screen along with any status effects
which they may be affected by.
+Edited all of the descriptions of battle skills and given colours to give an easier
explanation of the skills and what they do and how much they cost.
+Monsters abilities have had animations and sounds adjusted for a better battle experience.
White. Standard text description.
Orange. Effect of attack on enemy target.
Blue. Cost to use an ability.
Green. Enhancement to ally or self
Yellow. Additional Requirementsto use the ability.
+All skills have been revamped with new graphics, icons and better explanations of the skills use effects and costs.
Xaion (Main charactors Father)
+All skills updated and renamed.
New Items
Yam Berry Added. Recovers HP 5% when used and is dropped by a variety of monsters.
Mind Berry Added. Recovers MP 5% when used and is dropped by a variety of monsters.
Orange Recovers HP for the party 3%
Apple Recovers MP for the party 3%
Choco Nut Recovers HP+MP 10% and adds Double Turn chance in battle.
Added new merchants in to the game world who will buy some of the new items for higher prices than the stores.
Bat Berry renamed to Mana Berry which recovers 5% MP and is also used for crafting Eye Drops.
Spiritial Orb renamed to Vita Berry which is used for crafting Vita Berry Potion.
Heal Flasks have been renamed to Vita berry Potions.
Plasma Fluid (Don't ask...) has been named to Vita Berry. :D
Elemental Powder. A new item which may have a future use. Sell at stores.
Vita Potion+ Has been added and there is a chance this item will be crafted instead of a Vita Potion.
Potion of Mind+ Has been added and there is a chance this item will be crafted instead of a Potion of Mind.
Jelly drops have been renamed to Vita Root.
Mint root has been renamed to Mana Root.
Bug Fixes
+On the Ship in Chapter 1 there test NPC has been removed and an adjustment has been made to the scene which would affect the scene.
+Adjust an event in Naiyoko Forest North where the entrance to the cave didn't automatically change scene to enter kannak caverns
+Bug Fixes.
Job vendor in Leifa Forest has been corrected to send the player to the right scene for the Job called Fruits and Shrooms. At the end of the task the player would be sent to the wrong map.
+Major Bugfix
Keits Battle Sprite was missing. This will have caused the game to crash. As I didn't recieve any feedback I didn't know this was an issue and appologise that it took this long to know of the issue.
Adjustments / Improvements:
+The text window has now been changed to a new and improved text window!
+The font has been changed to a bolder font (Unable to fix the blur at this time)
+Adjusted the main menu Window with a new graphic.
+Fishing Mini game item challenge has extra text on how to complete the arrow challenge mini game.
+Item animation has been adjusted so when items are thrown they look more normal than before so the character throwing the item is facing the targets infront.
+Adjustments to Conversations is Naiyoko Village.
Map Adjustments.
Naiyoko Forest North:
New NPCs were added for decoration.
Map was extended in size.
Naigo's Boat House.
Additional NPC's added.
Sollanne Inn.
Additional NPC's and merchant added.
Cavern 1 =Clara Scene=
The Cavern has been decorated.
Telana Boat Scene.
Additional map locations can be unlocked on:
Sollanne Island: 2 new map locations which may have special quest lines.
Quii Region: 1 New map location which may have special quest lines.
Get Journey Galaxis+2: Updated. 24/2/2025
Journey Galaxis+2: Updated. 24/2/2025
Journey through an incredible adventure boasting 20+ hours of story!
Status | Released |
Author | Xanda |
Genre | Role Playing, Action, Adventure |
Tags | 2D, free, game, JRPG, RPG Maker, Singleplayer, Story Rich, Top-Down |
Languages | English |
Accessibility | Subtitles, Configurable controls, Interactive tutorial |
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