Journey Galaxis +1 Edition Released.

Please note that the demo has not been updated to +1. The main game has been updated and will remain at 3.99 until Saturday.

This game is available only at and is DRM free and the size of the game is almost 1 Gigabyte and is for Windows Devices.

Journey Galaxis is a story driven JRPG with many classic elements of the RPG Genre and huge Sci-Fi fantasy story to follow. The new update adds new game-play elements to the game which I was lacking before with this game. I hope you will like the new updated version of Journey Galaxis.

New Artwork.

  • At least 20 new and beautiful battle backs and a number of new scenes art and graphics have been added throughout all of the forests, towns and when entering areas via the world map. This work took quite some time to build so please support the project as best you can. 

AP / TP is no longer required for abilities.

  • Have fun battling and use all of your skills as I have removed the need to use TP to be able to use skills / abilities. The battle system has been improved quite a lot more due to having full access to skills and this will help with Job Quests also.
  • Faster battling. Going in to battle is much faster than it was before to keep the pace of the game quicker for the new Job quests available.

New Equipment-

  • A number of new items have been added which can be equipped. Many equip items will give Equip Skills which have their own unique abilities and allow the player to be able to customise the battle further.

Job Quest System *Unlocked at Sonnoko Island*

  • Take on jobs which last 2 minutes and do your best to receive better rewards. This new mode will require you to purchase the new items to become stronger to complete some of the tougher jobs for higher bonuses,
  • Job Quest NPC's can be found in Sonnoko Village. Telana Forest South and Leifa Forest.

Emporia- Upper Market

  • All special equipment vendors have been added to Emporia Upper Market.
  • The Job Quest NPC can be found at the Emporia Upper market for the Quii Region.

New Music and changes to BGM.

  • I've made a number of changes to the music which will play especially for Chapter 1 and 2.
  • An additional soundtrack has been added.

Other Updates.

  • New intro screen.
  • 100's of adjustments to enemy positions so that they fit the new battle back grounds. 
  • Minor adjustments to writing of the story and 2 new intro scenes have been added for the beginning of the story.

Just to note that all new graphics added are watermarked and they are fitted together, so please don't try to steal the backgrounds, if you would like some backgrounds for your game then please contact me. I'll be adding some new battle backs for your own RPG Maker games in the coming weeks as a gift. Anyone that purchases Journey Galaxis can contact me for backgrounds and I will try and help.

Finally, I am very sorry that my game went through some hard times. Will all my efforts I try to make these updates make up for the lack of skill in the previous years. Making a game is a growing process, it can be painful and it surely is expensive when making custom content.  Please forgive any errors and report any problems to me here or on the game page.

With all the very best to you,  I certainly hope JG will be a game you will really enjoy.

Get Journey Galaxis+2: Updated. 24/2/2025

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