Grammar and quick tips on English writing.


It has been some time since I posted some helpful tutorials. There are so many out there for RPG Maker, although I have never seen any that can help with writing. Writing is important and trying your best to help someone understand through your writing can be difficult. I'm not an expert in any case, and I only managed to gain a C qualification from my GCSE's. There are tools out there, and the biggest one is called Grammarly. (I'm not sponsored by them. This is to help others who are struggling with writing.)

Grammarly will correct spelling and punctuation. I never used it much with my project as the sentences were too short for Grammarly to understand. It's worth using when your game has a story with plenty to read.

Characters and family.

Firstly, let's start with common mistakes. When someone writes "i am doing well today" they forget to capitalize the I. Make sure to use capitals when a character is referring to themselves, for example. "Today is Tuesday, and I must go shopping with Marie."

*Note that a day of the week or month needs a capital letter. When a character is talking about their own family member, they should have a capital letter. For example, Charles looks to his best friend and says "Your sister is going to college soon, is she prepared?" his friend replies "Yes, my Sister is looking forward to it." It s quite a tricky one that can be missed quite easily. So just bear that in mind when someone is talking about their own family member or relative, make sure to make a capital letter for the titles, Brother, Sister, etc. 

Full stop and Commas.

It's important to start each sentence with a capital letter and end with a full stop. for example. Today is my Birthday.

Adding commas in sentences is important for a pause, especially when using and. For example. Today is my Birthday, and I'm so happy that I will see my friends later. 

I tend to write very short sentences, and they seem to be understandable. Use a comma to branch a sentence, but don't overuse commas.

Overusing comma example: Today is my Birthday, and I'm so happy that I will see my friends later, and I can't wait to open my presents. 

A better way: Today is my Birthday, and I'm so happy that I will see my friends later. I really can't wait to open my presents and have a great time with everyone.

Lastly. I used Grammarly for this post and then sentence examples I had written came out with no issues. So be confident in the examples and help which has been taking a number years to get right. :) I hope this will really help your writing, and although I expect nothing back. I hope you will say thanks if this helps. 

I hope this information helps. I will put together more in future to help with writing and grammar.


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