I've made lots of new monsters to discover. Will you find them all? :O

New upcoming update! Not release as of yet. Please support if you can. Update arrives within the next few weeks. :)

Journey Galaxis lacked when it came down to what was there to battle while not playing the story mode. I'm really working ever spare moment and between work schedule to bring a really huge gift to all those who own Journey Galaxis.  

New skill balances and animations!

Nearly all of the skills for all the leading team have been balanced and made much more better. There are too many tweaks to mention. I've aimed at making using your abilities far easier to control when battling. Each skill is very important and so learning them now is far easier than ever.

Enemy Skills and many new enemy types.

No longer will you battle the same monster using the same skills. Face variant types with unique skills, traits, graphics and appearance! Will the same slime monster use an attack, or will it have a little more HP to keep it alive. Why is there suddenly treasure chests next to my monsters?! The secrets are there to discover.

The world is filled with new life.

The new monsters and creatures will be travelling all around. Some creatures are unique to certain areas. No two places will have the same types of monsters as the last. It's a world of new discovery whether you are new to the game or have finished the game and able to travel all throughout the 3 regions available. 

Better Music.

I messed up the music score so badly that I had not realised the mistake I made. I've spent a considerable amount of money to pull together some solid new music scores of the sound of Irish, Orchestra and beyond. It will bring life to the story, and the world as you travel throughout.

Other key improvements.

Mining has been overhauled. Level up your mining skills to find rare gems to sell.

Game Zone- Music has been improved for Tentakai Escape and Skel Zone.

Battle Arena - Want to find all the awesome monsters, have a go in the battle arena and battle almost any monster in the game at random! It's a wild thrill which will earn you Dungeon Coins to spend on exclusive items.

You made it this far down the page? Leave a comment and one of the special items will be in your name!

A great many thanks. It was very difficult making Journey Galaxis and I really hope you will enjoy the new stuff to keep the candle lit just enough for me to keep going. It's a difficult process and I am thankful I can keep going just a little more. Thanks so much.

Get Journey Galaxis+2: Updated. 24/2/2025

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Great update! I've been putting off getting too far into the game as I'd like to start from scratch with the new stuff. Looking forward to seeing all the new monsters and hearing the new music!

amazing  news :) am looking forward to see them in game :)